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The electrochemical property of the lead dioxide electrode
Date: 2016-08-18 14:24:08 Hits: 3001)The oxygen evolution property of lead dioxide electrode
Drawing 1.1 shows the comparison of the oxygen evolution overpotential of the lead dioxide electrode and some other common anodes in sulfuric acid solution. The drawing indicates that the oxygen evolution electric potential of the titanium base lead dioxide electrode is about 200mV higher than the titanium base platinum plating electrode and it has a very high oxygen evolution electric potential and can oxidize most organic matters. It can be used in the fields of electrochemical oxidation, ozone generating and wastewater treatment.
Drawing 1.1The anode oxygen evolution electric potentials of all kinds of electrodes in the sulfuric acid solution
Electrolytic solution:150g/L H2SO4 solution,Temperature:60℃
A:Ti/Ir-Sn-SbOx/PbO2 electrode, B: Titanium base platinum plating electrode
C: Lead electrode, D:DSA anode
2)The chlorine evolution property of the lead dioxide electrode
The drawing 1.2 indicates that the chlorine evolution potential of the lead dioxide electrode is lower than the titanium base platinum plating electrode, but higher than the DSA anode. The lead dioxide can be used in the chlorine alkali industry. It can reduce the contents of oxygen in the chlorine gas, however, the electrode is not stable enough. The lead dioxide can also be used in the field of seawater electrolysis. For instance, the coastal power plant often uses the ceramics base lead dioxide electrode to electrolyze the seawater to kill the shellfish to prevent the blockage of the pipelines through chlorine evolution.
The chlorine evolution function of lead dioxide electrode
Electrolytic solution :110g/L HCl solution, Temperature:50℃
A.Titanium base platinum plating electrode,
B.Ti/Ir-Sn-SbOx/PbO2 electrode,
C.DSA anode